The internet has become absurdly popular in recent years and there is no shortage of content options, which is why WordPress is an extremely important tool for getting your content seen more often.

The WordPress SEO technique is widely used by all websites on the internet and is enhanced every day so that these websites are seen more often by a new audience. If you are thinking about starting a blog or website, you will have to learn how to optimize WordPress so that your content gets spread. So, today we’re going to tell you everything about WordPress and give you some tips for optimizing your blog or website, check it out!

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a content management system (CMS), created in 2003, to be a platform for blogs. However, in a short time, it was seen that this tool could be used for large websites.

This tool manages around 35% of the entire internet and is present on very famous websites, such as: BBC America, Vogue, Time.com and TechCrouch. These giant websites have WordPress, demonstrating that the tool works and is highly recommended.

Why use WordPress?

The answer to this question is simple: using WordPress makes life easier.

The tool is extremely easy to use, so this does not create obstacles for those who have never worked with or studied WordPress. Therefore, it is perfect for improving your website’s reach and is extremely simple to use.

Another point in favor of WordPress is that it is quite flexible so you can adjust your website or blog in the way that suits you best. There are several WordPress SEO plugins for you to customize in the best way and add new features to your website.

And for those who have more questions about WordPress, the community of this CMS is extremely united and always willing to help those who have questions. Therefore, there are several support forums with many manuals for those looking to learn new things about the platform.

How to use SEO in WordPress?

WordPress SEO tools are simple to use and anyone can use this technological tool.

Reliable host

To start using WordPress SEO you need to choose a very reliable hosting provider, as this host will give you speed, security and availability for your website. Having slow SEO will have a huge impact on your content, and having security and availability brings quality to the blog.


When you install WordPress, you will receive an SEO-Friendly “twenty twenty” theme as a default theme for your website. But this theme may not be the best for what you are thinking about for your new website or blog. There will be several free themes so you can choose the option that best defines you.

Plugins are required

When downloading WordPress, you will need an SEO plugin for your platform.

Plugins will not improve your website or anything like that, they will only facilitate the SEO processes to optimize your content. To find a plugin, simply log in to the administration panel, then click on “plugins” in the left corner of the screen and select “Add New”. After all these steps, search for the plugin you want. The best options are: Yoast SEO and All-in One by Seo Pack.

5 tips to improve your WordPress

1. Use keywords

Keywords are very important for optimizing your website. Therefore, you need to research which keywords are being used for the subject you want to cover.

Using keywords is one of the basic principles of SEO and is an important part of creating a text or video for YouTube. So, if you want to start a website, you need to know the most used keywords to optimize your text. This way, you will receive new visitors when that topic is searched for.

2. Tags and meta description

Creating tags and meta descriptions are great ways to optimize and create a new audience for your website. Tags are words or terms, as the text you write will be presented to those who are searching for these Tags on Google or another search platform.

The meta-description, even if it is not a fundamental tactic for gaining clicks, is important for the reader to have a basic idea of ​​what the text is about. It is not recommended to make a meta description too long, as Google tends to shorten this part. It is recommended to create a meta-description between 120 and 160 characters.

3. Optimized titles

When writing text for your website, you need to make a very optimized title. This H1 (the title is called that in WordPress) is a great way to include keywords and their synonyms in your text. This H1 is important for you to give an overview of the subject that the text is talking about, by explaining the subject well, the audience is able to become interested and read the rest.

4. Internal links

Including internal links in your text is a highly recommended tactic, as these links will take you to other texts on your website. Getting the audience to browse different texts on your website is difficult and must be achieved. When using SEO tools, adding other links from your website will not be difficult, so use them.

5. Make quality content

All content can be optimized so that it is seen by several people when searching, but there is no point in optimizing SEO and not having quality content.

Therefore, when creating a text, do a lot of research on the subject and have control over it. And in many cases, you will see that many texts have 2000 words and are extremely optimized, but this is not mandatory. However, it is an objective for anyone who wants to optimize WordPress text with the SEO tool


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