Loyalty programs: learn how to implement them in your company

Loyalty programs: learn how to implement them in your company

Increasingly, it is possible to observe that loyalty programs are proving to be powerful allies for attracting new customers and, of course, for their loyalty, which represents a constant objective for all organizations, in general. After all, in addition to the fact that retaining current consumers implies less costly strategies than those used to gain new audiences, this type of practice, as a rule, ensures the longevity of the business.

In short, for the success of this type of resource, analyzing what is important for the group of people you want to impact is essential, as this is what will guide the definition of the reward, which, in turn, aims to boost loyalty . However, this is just one of the steps to be taken when implementing loyalty programs in an enterprise.

Do you want to go deeper and find out how to structure it and what are the advantages of doing so? Continue reading!

How to implement loyalty programs in a business?

In short, we can say that loyalty programs are marketing actions developed specifically with the aim of retaining and building loyalty among the target audience through the accumulation of points that can be exchanged for rewards, sweepstakes, special treatment, etc. In other words, the central idea is to make the consumer feel special and valued by the business, so that they remain willing to continue their relationship with the brand.

In this context, during its development, it is essential to take three highly relevant points into consideration:

  1. simplicity , given that the program rules need to be sufficiently clear and equally objective, avoiding, for example, unnecessary bureaucracy and thousands of forms to be filled out;
  2. the value of what is delivered as a reward , which does not necessarily imply a high price, but rather requires that the starting point is to discover your customers’ preferences and, then, what they would like to gain;
  3. creativity , in order to escape “more of the same” and surprise the public with interesting campaigns, differentiated communication, etc. — in this case, it is important to be careful not to “run into” the first highlighted point, which is simplicity.

After this initial understanding, it’s time to check out the key tips for implementing loyalty programs in your business. Below, we list the most valuable ones in this sense. Check out!

Choose the most suitable type of loyalty program

When it comes to loyalty programs, the options you can use are numerous, such as:

  • points programs, in which every time a product and/or service is consumed, the customer earns points that can later be exchanged for a reward, such as discounts on future purchases;
  • loyalty level reward, which encourages the customer to reach the highest positions in the “hierarchy” to receive better and more exclusive rewards;
  • paid loyalty, which, in short, works like a club, whose participation is charged through a fee — which may or may not be recurring — and participants have access to different benefits, etc.

So, after knowing the peculiarities of each one, it is essential that you reflect on which one makes the most sense for your brand and the solutions sold. Furthermore, reflect on the format that best applies to the reality of your target audience and your business and, based on that, start structuring it.

Know the profile of your customers

In this sense, an excellent option could be to register them, gathering some relevant information, such as the name, email and contact telephone number of each of them. Then, focus on getting to know your preferences and desires in depth, after all, there is no better way to please your audience than getting to know them. This way, it is possible to make the service much more personalized and make the consumer feel comfortable being part of the program.

Invest in publicity

A business that chooses to implement a loyalty program must invest in publicity, as it is necessary to treat this resource as another brand solution launched on the market. In this sense, develop specific campaigns, make strategic publications on the organization’s social networks and, if feasible, offer a free trial period to consumers so that they can have the chance to experience the benefits involved.

Have loyalty goals established in advance

An important aspect that should not be neglected when implementing loyalty programs is the purpose that the brand has when structuring them. In other words, it is highly recommended that you ask yourself questions about what you hope to achieve by using this type of resource.

The answer to this question depends on different factors. Is the objective of the venture to increase the number of sales ? Is the goal to create predictable and recurring revenue for the business within a pre-established period of time? Is the idea to use the loyalty program as a means to increase the organization’s average ticket? Each of these proposals takes you down a different path, so don’t neglect this step in any way.

The truth is that the advantages of adopting a loyalty program are countless and can be enjoyed by businesses of different sizes, from the smallest enterprises to the largest corporations. Furthermore, it is possible to state that this resource represents a means of building a stable and sustainable customer base for the brand, although other benefits are equally notable, such as:

  • greater proximity to your target audience, generating more spontaneous dissemination and, consequently, greater engagement;
  • building a more solid brand image in the market, demonstrating that it is an organization that truly values ​​its consumers;
  • increase in the average ticket due to more attractive conditions offered to customers who make larger purchases, etc.


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