Digital platform: how can it help with your company’s sales management?

Digital platform: how can it help with your company’s sales management?

Have you noticed how common it has become for us to access at least one digital platform throughout the day ? Applications for banks , online stores and for ordering meals are some examples of applications of this solution.

And in your business, do you have the support of this technology to facilitate your sales management? Be aware that this feature brings several advantages in this regard. Want to find out how? So, check out this content and get ready to optimize your business!

What is a digital platform and how does it work?

Basically, a digital platform is a business model that uses technology as a means to carry out its operations , facilitating commercial relationships between different parties.

In practice, its operation allows entrepreneurs, employees, customers or suppliers to connect and carry out online purchase and sale transactions safely. Thus, negotiations, transfers, payments and deliveries are recorded in this channel.

What features should it offer?

A digital platform is a means of transaction that can be available both in a Web version — aimed at use on computers and notebooks — and in Mobile — via applications for cell phones and tablets.

In this context, its most useful features that guarantee the best running of a business are:

  • sales control;
  • payment options;
  • process automation;
  • data collect;
  • monitoring of tasks, points or registered collaborators;
  • access to management reports ;
  • records of operations;
  • possibility of integration with other tools, such as marketing software, CRM, ERPs, communication channels, etc.

How do digital platforms work in sales management?

A digital platform has several applications, but its use in sales stands out because its main function is aimed at intermediating transactions. These technological solutions also have important functionalities for control, administration and planning in this area.

Thus, using this type of tool, entrepreneurs can organize their processes, centralize operations , consolidate data, monitor metrics and check the execution of tasks . In other words, it facilitates commercial supervision.

What are the benefits of this application?

Having a digital platform for sales management offers several benefits for businesses that invest in its application in this way. Check out what they are below!

Improves the organization

One of the main mistakes made when starting a business concerns the organization of operations. After all, not everything flows naturally or works the first time. Only as activities progress do the entrepreneur and his team realize the needs and ways to carry out these tasks with quality.

Therefore, the use of a digital platform helps by proposing a management model and also facilitating the observation of opportunities for improvement. Therefore, it is feasible to find the ideal structure based on these suggestions.

Furthermore, the functionalities of this type of solution allow the automation of standardized and repetitive actions. And, also, the generation of alerts and deadline notifications so that no sale is lost because something was not done.

Structure and automate processes

The organization of work that a digital platform proposes is developed through the structuring, systematization and automation of the process flows necessary for these technologies. In this way, each action triggers another, which:

  • makes loss of information impossible;
  • reduces the chances of errors;
  • eliminates the risk of someone forgetting to do something important.

Furthermore, many standardized tasks no longer depend on the team, as the software makes it possible to standardize them so that they are carried out automatically. This functionality speeds up approvals, returns or deliveries, which improves the customer experience.

Expands control

A consequence of organizing and structuring sales processes through a digital platform is the expansion of the control that the manager has over the tasks. Each action is recorded there and can be consulted at any time.

More than that, information that is fundamental to the health of a business — including billing, costs, inventories, payments, delays, cancellations, etc. — are automatically consolidated and available for quick access.

Provides information for planning

As seen, easy access to information is one of the great differences of relying on this technology to collect and consolidate data. After all, manually, these processes are subject to errors and take a lot of time.

From this advantage, budget , purchasing and revenue planning now includes accurate information capable of supporting reliable forecasts, as well as organizing delivery or payment deadlines.

Optimizes customer data capture

More than information about the enterprise, a digital platform captures customer data, creating a history of their preferences and consumption behavior patterns. This base provides the opportunity for the development and implementation of marketing strategies, such as sending:

  • Personalized offers of products or services, payment terms, discounts for purchases in means with greater guarantees for companies, etc.;
  • content aimed at creating a nutrition flow that highlights the solutions that the business provides;
  • assertive commercial or after-sales contacts to attract and retain the public.

Another way to use this resource in favor of the establishment is to adapt service and develop new items, making both more aligned with consumer demands.

Makes decision making more efficient

If everything that the data and precise information obtained through this technology offered to the business were not enough, there is one more benefit resulting from them: decision-making becomes more efficient.

To understand the reasons for this, it is necessary to realize that the better — the more complete, precise, qualified and organized — the basis on which a manager chooses, the fewer risks the enterprise runs.

In this sense, digital tools not only provide reports, but also ensure that they are excellent due to the way they work. Thus, they provide a realistic view of the business panorama.

Increases results

These technologies positively impact business results. After all, they provide the expansion of reach to new customers, increasing the enterprise’s consumer base, in addition to improving the relationship with the public.

While the first puts an end to limitations — geographical, physical or financial — for potential buyers to know, access, buy and pay for your products, the second generates more agile, clear, direct and complete ways to achieve this objective. Thus, both are relevant factors as they increase negotiation opportunities and, as a consequence, sales volume.

Reduces costs and waste

Regarding the other factor associated with profits, a digital platform helps to reduce costs and eliminate waste. Starting with process automation, which reduces the time allocated to such tasks.

Furthermore, it is a leaner sales structure, as it does not depend on physical spaces, exhibitors and many salespeople waiting for customers. In other words, this channel optimizes resources.

Allows the business to scale operations easily

In a physical store or for the manual management of an enterprise, growing means expanding spaces and hiring more employees for the operation, right? But digital sales platforms do not require this investment.

In this context, scaling a business depends on increasing technological resources. This can be done easily, since those who provide these services already operate in a flexible, on-demand model.

Maximizes the use of the sales team

The productivity of the sales team, even if it is made up of just one person, also benefits from the use of a digital platform to manage processes in this area. Because this technology maximizes the use of these employees by:

  • automate and eliminate unnecessary manual tasks;
  • increase focus on actions that truly add value;
  • structure optimized workflows;
  • reduce errors and rework;
  • speed up access to information;
  • simplify the execution of activities.

In this way, meeting customer demands, proposing innovative strategies and finding valuable business opportunities become at the center of these employees’ daily lives.


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