2 complement calculator

2's Complement Calculator

Choose an input format, bit length, and provide the number:

Enter a decimal number between -128 to 127.
Default: 8-bit binary.
Enter a decimal number between -128 to 127.

Welcome to the 2’s Complement Calculator! This online tool is designed to help you easily convert numbers into their 2’s complement and binary representation. Whether you’re a programmer, student, or engineer, our calculator is your solution for quick and accurate results.

With support for decimal, binary, and hexadecimal formats, as well as multiple bit lengths like 4-bit, 8-bit, 12-bit, and 16-bit, this calculator is perfect for solving your binary arithmetic needs.

Subheading (H2): What is 2’s Complement?

2’s complement is a method used in computer science and digital electronics to represent negative numbers in binary form. It’s essential for performing subtraction and other arithmetic operations in binary systems.

For example:

  • The 2’s complement of the decimal number -5 in 8-bit binary is 11111011.
    This system simplifies calculations and ensures consistent results in digital computing.

Subheading (H2): How to Use the 2’s Complement Calculator

Using this calculator is simple:

  1. Select the input format: Decimal, Binary, or Hexadecimal.
  2. Choose the bit length: 4-bit, 8-bit, 12-bit, or 16-bit.
  3. Enter your number in the input field.
  4. Click the “Calculate” button to view:
    • The binary representation of your input.
    • The computed 2’s complement value.

Subheading (H2): Features of the 2’s Complement Calculator

  • Multiple Input Formats: Enter numbers in Decimal, Binary, or Hexadecimal.
  • Bit Length Options: Supports 4-bit, 8-bit, 12-bit, and 16-bit calculations.
  • Accurate Results: Displays both binary representation and 2’s complement values where applicable.
  • User-Friendly Design: Clean layout and easy-to-navigate interface for seamless usage.

Subheading (H2): Benefits of Using This Calculator

  • Save time and reduce errors in binary arithmetic.
  • Understand binary representation and 2’s complement more intuitively.
  • Perfect for programming, digital electronics, and academic use.

Subheading (H2): Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the range of numbers for an 8-bit 2’s complement system?
A: For 8-bit numbers, the range is -128 to 127 in decimal form.

Q: Can I calculate the 2’s complement for hexadecimal numbers?
A: Yes! Simply select “Hexadecimal” as the input format, enter the number, and calculate.

Q: Why do we use 2’s complement?
A: It simplifies binary arithmetic, especially for subtraction, and helps represent negative numbers effectively in binary systems.


Make your binary arithmetic tasks easy with our 2’s Complement Calculator. Whether you’re converting decimal, binary, or hexadecimal numbers, this tool provides accurate results in seconds. Try it today and see the difference!